Innovative payment solutions with a unique e-wallet solution for optimized use in a closed user group and countless application areas. Higher limits and VIP usage.
B2C, C2B, B2B, and C2C transaction are possible.
One wallet unlimited usage points
Innovative entertainment solutions are our requirement.
Increase the name recognition, image and value of your company many times over.
Excite your customers and increase your sales.
On request, we also offer you the appropriate terminals.
You have the challenge, we have the Cobrandingcard solution
The best way to use benefits
Two innovation one solution
Customized industry solution. Optimize your costs and increase your profit. Added value for your company and your customers. One solution, many advantages
info / orderEntertainment with esprit
Customer entertainment
Customers who love your company and tell their friends about an experience. That’s our view of ENTERTAINMENT.
Our philosophy
Let me entertain you
What is not implemented, is not implemented, because it is not good, but it is not implemented, because someone did not take enough time. Do everything as if it were for yourself, then you can inspire others with it.
widelevelcard24/7 Prepaid Mastercard®
Worldwide acceptance of POS, ATMs and online payments, secure payment via chip and pin technology, cvc code provides secure access to online purchases, instantly charging via Internet,
innovative card design and direct use.
The widelevelcard24/7 Prepaid Mastercard was designed for exclusive, independent requirements and serves, to implement your innovative requirement.